The Seasonal Living Blog
Our blog offers insights on seasonal living with Yoga & Ayurveda. Find out which foods and spices to incorporate each season, how to adjust your Yoga routines, and ways to decrease stress by living in tune with nature's cycles.
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Yoga / Yoga pose / Yoga Philosophy / Ayurveda recipe / Ayurveda, seasonal living
3 simple Breathing Practices for an energised Spring
Learn about 3 breathing techniques which help you balance the spring qualities to keep you light and energised.
Why seasonal Living with Ayurveda keeps us Healthy?
Healthy Living with Seasonal Ayurveda! Why is that?
Learn about the core principles of Ayurveda and how they explain why it is important to adjust to the different seasons to stay healthy.
Parsvottanasana – How and Why to practise it
Find out about the benefits and pitfalls of this pose. How to practise it and, more importantly, how to adapt it to your body’s needs.
Beetroot 3-Ways
Beetroot 3-Ways
The humble beetroot. Read all about the many benefits and three recipes to integrate them into your meals.
What if you could understand the Universe?
What if we could understand the Universe?
This blog post is the conclusion of our Patanjali series, recapping the first and introducing the last two chapters.
7 Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Heart
On Valentine’s Day, we connect with our loved one by buying flowers and chocolate. Are you ready to check out some ayurvedic tips to nourish your heart? After all our heart is the home of love.
How to Practise Standing wide-legged Forward Bend
How to Practise wide-legged Forward Bend
Read how to practise the pose and why. It is many health benefits.
How to cook a tasty bowl of rice?
Cook with me a tasty bowl of rice.
Rice is one of our staples, tasty and nourishing the tissues of our body.
Are the Yama and Niyama important?
Are the Yama and Niyama important?
Read about reasons why they could make a difference to your practice.
The 6 Tastes of Ayurveda
Tastes play an important role in Ayurveda. Tastes enable us to balance the qualities of the days and the seasons. Ayurveda distinguishes between 6 different tastes sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. Keep reading to learn how you can apply them into your life to stay healthy and strong.
How to practise Side Angle Pose – Parsva Konasana
Parsva Konasana or Side Angle Pose
Read how to practise it and the many and potentially unexpected benefits of the wonderfully opening pose.
Do you like Pumpkins?
Do you like pumpkins?
Try out this ayurvedic pumpkin risotto recipe, and learn about the many health benefits of pumpkin and why it is such an excellent vegetable for the autumn and winter months.
How to overcome our five main obstacles with Yoga
Read about the five obstacles that keep us from being happy and content. These apply to all of us just because we are humans.
How do these obstacles show up in us, and how can we overcome them? Intrigued? Keep reading.
5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Autumn and Winter
Discover five ways how you can stay healthy and strong through this winter with Yoga and Ayurveda. We discuss which food to eat, potential herbs, self-care, Yoga and lifestyle suggestions.
Why add Trikonasana to your Practice?
Triangle pose or Trikonasana is one of the most practised standing poses in Yoga. So we want to get it right for our body. Read how to practice it and what to look out for. Learn about the many benefits of this pose.
How to prepare a delicious and balancing Kitchadi
Ayurvedic Kitchadi is a super delicious combination of rice and dal, cooked with spices to balance the three constitutional body types.
Read all about the benefits for our health and how to prepare a delicious kitchadi yourself.
How to bring Yoga into your daily Life?
In this post we are looking into the second chapter of the Yoga Sutras. It is all about how we can integrate Yoga into our lives.
Seasonal Ayurvedic Autumn Cleanse
Easy to follow home cleanse tips that keep you healthy this autumn and winter. Read why seasonal cleanses are helping to stay balanced or rebalance.
Uttanasana for a clear and calm mind
Uttanasana, the intense stretch.
Read about its benefits, how to make it easier, how to challenge yourself, or turn it into a restorative pose.
How to Reduce Stress with the 3-Part Breath!
Stress is the number one contributor to ill health in our day and age.
Learn why the 3-part breath always helps with managing stress and its symptoms and learn how to practise it.