The Seasonal Living Blog

Our blog offers insights on seasonal living with Yoga & Ayurveda. Find out which foods and spices to incorporate each season, how to adjust your Yoga routines, and ways to decrease stress by living in tune with nature's cycles.

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Yoga / Yoga pose / Yoga Philosophy / Ayurveda recipe / Ayurveda, seasonal living

Ayurveda Katja Patel Ayurveda Katja Patel

The Dhatus and why you should know them.

Embark on a journey through Ayurveda and explore the dhatus, essential tissue layers that play a pivotal role in maintaining our health and vitality. From rasa, the blood plasma, to shukra, the reproductive tissue, understanding and nurturing each dhatu with specific foods, activities, and herbs can pave the way toward comprehensive well-being and robust immunity, grounding us in a holistic approach to our physical existence.

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yoga, yoga philosophy Katja Patel yoga, yoga philosophy Katja Patel

Root Chakra - all you need to know

Explore the ancient, multifaceted concept of Chakras, originating from the Vedas around 1500 - 500 BCE, and learn how these energy centres influence our lives, consciousness, and well-being, starting with the Mooladhara or root chakra. Dive deep into the intricacies of our multi-layered existence, uncover ways to balance your root chakra and discover how the journey through Chakras can lead to heightened awareness and harmony within.

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Ayurveda Katja Patel Ayurveda Katja Patel

Get Autumn-Ready with Yoga & Ayurveda

Discover how to thrive through autumn and winter by balancing your Vata dosha with Ayurvedic foods, herbs, and self-care practices. Stay grounded and healthy with seasonal wisdom tailored to nourish body and mind.

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Yoga, yoga pose Katja Patel Yoga, yoga pose Katja Patel

Low Lunge - Anjaneyasana

Anjaneyasana, also known as Low Lunge or Crescent Lunge, is a powerful and transformative pose that stretches the thighs, hips, and chest. Its origins in the story of Anjaneya add a deeper layer of meaning, making it a wonderful pose for opening the body and connecting with the powerful journey of Hanuman.

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