The Seasonal Living Blog
Our blog offers insights on seasonal living with Yoga & Ayurveda. Find out which foods and spices to incorporate each season, how to adjust your Yoga routines, and ways to decrease stress by living in tune with nature's cycles.
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Yoga / Yoga pose / Yoga Philosophy / Ayurveda recipe / Ayurveda, seasonal living
How to practise Side Angle Pose – Parsva Konasana
Parsva Konasana or Side Angle Pose
Read how to practise it and the many and potentially unexpected benefits of the wonderfully opening pose.
How to overcome our five main obstacles with Yoga
Read about the five obstacles that keep us from being happy and content. These apply to all of us just because we are humans.
How do these obstacles show up in us, and how can we overcome them? Intrigued? Keep reading.
Stay cool this Summer with Upavista Konasana
Upavista Konasana is a great summer pose with its cooling qualities.
Read about the many benefits, and how to make this pose accessible for everyone. Practice a sequence leading up to Upavista Konasana.