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Set your Intentions for 2024 - FREE EVENT

Yes, it is that time of the year again. The time we when we all strive to become better people.

We are super eager for a couple of weeks, and then life takes hold .....

Is there a difference between having an intention and setting a Sankalpa, you may ask?

Yoga is a lot about inviting structure. For example we invite structure into our body and our mind when we practice postures and lead the breath in a focused way. 

Usually our mind is like those idle leaves that we see floating about in the winter. We might have plenty of ideas running around, but don't follow them through. 

I would like to invite you to bring structure to those ideas, or this one idea that you really would like to see happening, with the help of Sankalpa. Loosely translated it is an intention, but then so much more as well. It is  finding the right phrasing that gives strength to that important thought or idea so that it doesn't stay just that but rather becomes reality. 

Wouldn't that be great???

Join us and take charge of your year, this coming Saturday, 22nd, 3.00 - 5.00 pm. This a FREE session, sort of a late Christmas present for you, all you need to do is to book your place.

11 June

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3-part LIVE Masterclass: Take Charge of Your Life.