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Celebrating the Summer Yoga Mini Retreat

  • Zest for Yoga Community Close Uxbridge, England, UB10 8RE United Kingdom (map)

Are you longing for some nourishing self-care?

Imagine spending a couple of hours letting go of the stresses in your back, shoulders and neck, followed by some deep re-energising breathing practice, restful relaxation and a cup of tea and chat.

Learn inspiring life tips from my all-time favourite super goddess Parvati. She knew exactly what she wanted and never ever gave up despite all adversaries until she finally succeeded.  We can all learn so much from her.

Does this resonate with you? If so, here is just the mini-retreat for you. Your loved ones think that they are taking good care of you, but sometimes we just need to get out of the house, right? 

I am so super excited to offer this in-person mini-retreat after more than 2 years. And it is on a Saturday afternoon, kids have been to their activities, fed and ready to spend a couple of hours on their own or with their lovely dad, the dog has been walked, shopping is done, and the house is clean, so all taken care of for you to go and join us to celebrate this wonderful discipline during the International Week of Yoga and at the beginning of the summer.

Spend a nourishing afternoon with me and a group of inspired like-minded Yoga lovers as we take a journey into celebrating the summer. 

Together we

  • explore Yoga postures to release stresses in the back, neck and shoulders and regain a sense of lightness.

  • practice deeply relaxing and replenishing Yogic breathing.

  • a restorative relaxation.

  • check out the above-mentioned life tips of goddess Parvati on how to never give up on your goals and dreams.

We will gather at our usual venue, 1st Ickenham Scouts Hall, UB10 8RE, please bring your mat, if you have one, and whatever else you need.

It's going to be exciting and relaxing alike.

Register here

Your investment is a celebratory Β£25.  

11 February

A Journey through the Chakras

25 July

5 weeks of Summer Yoga :)