Back to Balance.

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Everything in nature, nature itself, strives for a state of balance.

Each cell in our body tries to reach a state of balance or homeostasis.

The Yoga philosophy suggests that the natural state of our mind is that of the balance of contentment. However, our life experiences and our reaction to them create stress, we might get angry or upset. The reason is mostly that our expectations are not met.

Balance is not a static state but the ability to adapt to situations that we experience.

Nature’s balance is in flux. The river flows downstream, the seasons come in a particular order, and all days come and go in order.

Flowing with nature comes naturally and uses minimum energy. Working against nature wastes our energy; for example, eating when our digestive abilities are best and aligning with seasonal rhythms keeps us healthy.

Swimming against nature’s stream makes us feel stressed, anxious and exhausted.

Aligning with nature, its seasons, and its qualities help us to find our way back to feeling calm, strong & confident.

Yoga and Ayurveda provide us with easily accessible tools to realign and come back to balance.

Here are your tools. 

A 30 min warming Yoga sequence.

Each season has its own qualities which need to be balanced. The autumn up to mid-winter is dry, cold, rough, and mobile. They need to be balanced with warming, smooth, and nourishing qualities. 

A 20 min warming Breathing Practice

Use the 3-part breath and the Ujjayi pranayama to strengthen the nervous system and prepare the body and mind for restful sleep.


A ‘Stay Warm through the Cold Months’ Ayurveda guide.

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