Meal Planning: A Simple Guide to Stress-Free, Healthy Eating

Home-cooked food, isn't that just the best?

Yummy, wholesome meals packed with nutrients. And yes, you would love to prepare them daily if only there were:


After a long day, the kids are hungry, the fridge is bare, and the easiest options seem to be fish fingers or takeout. Sound familiar?

Even without kids, it's the same story: you're tired and hungry, and nothing is tempting. You reach for sandwiches, ready-made meals, or snacks, wondering if there's a way out of this rut.

Whether you have a family or live alone, it's the same dilemma: no time, no plan, and no energy to cook from scratch.

But what if I told you there's a way to avoid this stress? That's where meal planning comes in. It's not complicated or time-consuming and can bring calm and order to your mealtimes.

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Why Meal Planning Matters

Meal planning isn't just about food—it's about creating a healthier, less stressful life. Imagine never stressing about what's for dinner because you already know. You've shopped, prepped, and maybe even chopped your veggies ahead of time. You're calm, organised, and well-nourished. Sounds like a dream, right?

Here are some key benefits of meal planning:

  1. Less Stress: You'll know exactly what you're cooking and have everything you need on hand.

  2. Saves Time: Prepping in advance reduces the time spent in the kitchen during the week.

  3. Healthier Eating: Meal planning encourages choosing more balanced, wholesome meals.

  4. Consistency: It helps you maintain a regular eating schedule, which is excellent for your body and mind.

  5. Budget-Friendly: Meal planning helps you avoid impulse purchases and stick to a grocery list, ultimately saving money.

How to Start Meal Planning

Starting is often the hardest part, but meal planning becomes a simple routine once you get the hang of it. Here's a basic approach to help you get started:

01 - Set Aside Time for Planning

Pick a time during the weekend—maybe Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon—to sit down and plan your meals for the week. It doesn't have to take long; 30 minutes is usually enough.

Grab a notepad or phone and write down what you want to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next few days. Choose your favourite tune to get inspired, dance to get the creative juices going, or browse through your cookbooks.

02 - Involve Your Family (If Applicable)

If you're planning for your family, make it a group activity. Ask everyone to suggest their favourite meals for the week. This takes some pressure off you and gets everyone excited about the upcoming meals.

03 - Make a Shopping List

Once you've decided on your meals, make a list of the ingredients you'll need. Check your pantry for items you already have, and add the rest to your shopping list. Be mindful of the quantities you buy to avoid food waste. This step ensures you have everything on hand, avoiding the last-minute rush to the shops.

Tip: Sticking to a list also prevents impulse buys, helping you stay within your budget.

04 - Prep in Advance

Batch cooking and prepping ingredients ahead of time can be a real lifesaver. For example, you can chop vegetables and store them in the fridge, prepare spice mixes in advance, batch grate ginger, or soak nuts and beans and make any dressings or batters. Store them in the fridge in a glass container for easy access until you can use them. These are great ways to streamline your cooking process.

05 - Tips for Solo Meal Planning

Meal planning works just as well if you're cooking for one. In fact, it's even more important because it helps you stay on track with healthy eating. If you have picky eaters or dietary restrictions, try to find meals that can be easily modified or have a few staple recipes everyone enjoys. Try to prepare meals in batches and store them in the fridge. You could also stick a list of your favourite meals on your fridge or your handy or try a "meal jar" where you pull out meal ideas when you're not sure what to cook.

06 - Have Staples Ready for Quick Meals

Keep a sauce, some fresh cheese (dairy or vegan), a spice blend, and some quick-cooking vegetables (zucchini, asparagus, fennel, leafy greens) handy for days you’re too busy or too tired to make a more time-consuming meal. With the ingredients above, you can fix a pasta or grain dish within 20 minutes with minimal effort.

A Word about Leftovers

Ayurveda is not in favour of leftovers.

Food spoils quickly, even in the fridge. It’s hard to digest, contributes to gut issues and leaves you feeling sluggish and depleted.

If you have leftovers, best use them as fast as possible and avoid keeping them in the fridge for days. You can freeze them; they should be used up within a few weeks. Freezing dehydrates the food.

You can cook lunch and dinner together, double the amount or take one part, either the carbohydrates or the proteins, over to the dinner and cook only one element fresh for dinner.

The skill is to slowly know the amount of food to cook and not cook

However, your leftovers are always better than any processed food or shop-bought food.


Keep it Flexible and Simple

Meal planning doesn't have to be rigid. Swapping meals around is okay if your schedule changes or you're not in the mood for what's planned. The idea is to have a structure that makes your life easier, not something that feels restrictive. If unexpected events occur, such as a last-minute work meeting or a change in your mood, have a backup plan or some quick and easy recipes that you can rely on.

To keep things simple, try these ideas:

  • Use a meal planning template or app to organise your meals.

  • Ayurveda suggests seasonal ingredients to keep meals fresh, nutritious and you healthy.

  • Include meals you already know and enjoy; avoid overcomplicating things.

  • Set aside time on the weekend to prep ingredients like chopping vegetables or making sauces.

Overcoming Common Obstacles

Many people feel overwhelmed at the thought of meal planning. You might be thinking:

- "I don't have time to plan meals."

- "It feels too complicated."

- "I'm not sure where to start."

If that sounds like you, remember that meal planning doesn't have to be perfect. Start small by planning just a few meals a week. Gradually, you'll find what works best for your schedule and lifestyle.

For further inspiration, what this free meal planning master class.

Final Thoughts

Meal planning doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. It can be fun, stress-free, and gratifying with a little organisation and creativity. Whether you feed a family or yourself, meal planning will simplify your life and lead to healthier eating habits, all in a simple and manageable way.

So, grab that pen and paper and start planning your meals for the week! You've got this! Happy cooking!

Now I’d love to hear from you: What are your biggest challenges with meal planning? Is it finding the time, the inspiration, or something else? Feel free to share your thoughts!

Let’s start a conversation. Leave a message on Instagram, Facebook, or even an old email OR comment below :)

I love hearing from you! 

Katja x


P.S. Of course, establishing healthy eating habits is beneficial through all seasons :)


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