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7-Day Nourishing Ayurveda Autumn Cleanse

  • Zest for Yoga online via zoom (map)

Autumn is my favourite time of the year. It comes with its challenges, though :)

Naturally, navigating transitions brings uncertainty and unease, and seasonal changes can be incredibly challenging for our bodies and mind. 

According to Ayurveda, summer is associated with Pitta dosha, characterized by the predominance of fire and water elements. Autumn introduces stronger winds and cooler air, which signifies increased air and space elements, Vata dosha associates naturally with change, instability, uncertainty, and anxiety. 

As the season changes to autumn, the accumulated heat from summer remains in our tissues. 

This remaining heat, combined with the cooler winds of the autumn, can leave us 

  • feeling bloated or constipated,

  • experiencing burning eyes or hair fall,

  • dry and itchy skin, 

  • sleep disturbed, 

  • with achy joints or bones, 

  • mood swings.

The external shifts require internal adjustments. We move from summer, with its light and refreshing foods, to the heartier autumn offerings, like root vegetables and stews. Our digestion needs to adapt to this shift in tastes and textures.

How can this Cleanse help?

Supporting our bodies during this seasonal transition helps to ease the change and potential imbalances. We use the following steps:

1. Nourishing, wholesome Food and supporting Herbs

7 days of nourishing, easy-to-digest food, like kitchadi and simple and fresh produce abundantly available during this season. Fruits, fully ripped by the sun and seasonal vegetables, can gently cleanse and nourish the body, reduce potential heat in the body and prepare it for the approaching winter. Combined with cooling herbs, it releases potential toxins and reduces inflammation.

A strong digestion, represented by a robust Agni (digestive fire), helps keep toxins (AMA) at bay.

2. Yoga & Breathing

Daily Salute to the Sun practice to balance all body systems and bring strength and grounding. Evening breathing practices help reduce stress and have a good night's sleep. Engaging in simple deep breathing exercises can be incredibly helpful. This practice contributes to calm and balance, assisting your body during the transitional period.

3. Lifestyle

Establishing a solid morning routine and regular eating patterns that nourish the body and structure the mind.

Embrace the longer evenings and more unsettled autumn weather as an opportunity to slow down. Take time to reflect on your priorities and distinguish what truly matters from what can wait. Slowing down helps calm the increasing Vata and the remaining Pitta dosha.


Adopt these practices and approach the autumn season with a greater sense of well-being, embrace the changes with ease. Remember, this time of year can be an opportunity for growth and self-care, preparing you for winter.

Book your place today to enjoy a healthy autumn and winter.

Fees: Β£79

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