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yoga, yoga asana, yoga pose, yoga philosophy Katja Patel yoga, yoga asana, yoga pose, yoga philosophy Katja Patel

Marichyasana Unveiled: Dive Deep into the Pose That's More Than Just a Twist

Step onto your mat and into a story as ancient as creation itself with Marichyasana, where each twist and fold invites you to explore the delicate balance of light and shadow within. Unravel the tale of Marichi, a sage born from the mind of Brahma, and discover how this profound asana can illuminate your practice and your path to inner wisdom.

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yoga, yoga philosophy Katja Patel yoga, yoga philosophy Katja Patel

Root Chakra - all you need to know

Explore the ancient, multifaceted concept of Chakras, originating from the Vedas around 1500 - 500 BCE, and learn how these energy centres influence our lives, consciousness, and well-being, starting with the Mooladhara or root chakra. Dive deep into the intricacies of our multi-layered existence, uncover ways to balance your root chakra and discover how the journey through Chakras can lead to heightened awareness and harmony within.

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