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How to Stay Healthy on Your Holidays!

photo by @nathan_cima

Everyone looks forward to going abroad and having a much-needed change of scenery. No matter what time of the year, the summer is just THE season for it.

However, it's important to be aware that holidays can also bring about some unwelcome health issues, such as stomach upset, diarrhoea, constipation, and summer colds and flu.

So, why do we often fall ill during what should be a relaxing time?

That is the question.

Let's break it down into two key aspects.

Firstly, you work hard all year, with stress levels being up. There is always something to worry about during chronic stress, and the nervous system unnaturally heightens the immune system. You need to fight or run so you can’t fall ill.

But the moment you relax, the guards go down. That’s why so many people fall ill as soon as they have time off.

It's clear that stress management is the key solution here, as it’s an ongoing pattern that can be managed.

The other reason is that travelling aggravates Vata dosha, and Vata dosha, with its space and air elements, is not physically strong, has a weak immune and digestive system, and has an irritated nervous system.

In this blog post, let’s focus on the second aspect: how to keep Vata dosha balanced to avoid getting ill.

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Here are a few Tips.

Some of the advice surely sounds familiar:

The journey:

  • Stay hydrated when you are travelling.

  • Plane journeys are particularly dehydrating and can lead to constipation and bloating.

  • So: Drink plenty of warm water or herbal teas, like mint or fennel, and stay clear of cold or iced drinks, as they aggravate Vata even more, just as coffee, black tea or alcohol.

  • Eat light because the digestive fire is weak.

  • Stay with easy-to-digest food, the best moist, juicy and good fats. Avoid dry food like crisps, crackers, etc., as well as vegetables with drying quality, such as beans and chickpeas or processed foods.

  • Take your own food; homemade sandwiches, spiced up with garden herbs are yummy and so much better than any bought or plane food. Eat plenty of fruits to keep the energy up, hydrate the tissues and move things along.

At your holiday destination:

  • When you arrive, slot in the local time for food and activities. Go for a walk, and if possible, book an oil massage. This is the fastest way to balance Vata’s light and mobile qualities; just a head massage will also help.

  • Keeping up with regular mealtimes is a simple yet effective way to keep Vata balanced and your health in check. If you tend to or suffer from constipation, buy some ginger and have a cup of ginger tea after meals. Summertime is fruit time; keep eating sweet juice fruits regularly. Take a teaspoon of olive oil with hot water before bed.

  • Take some green cardamom pods and eat a few seeds; this is also helpful in case of acidity.

  • Take a short walk after your main meals to jumpstart your digestion.

  • Try to go to bed early and use the early morning hours for a walk along the beach, up some lovely mountains or in cool forests.

  • If you come into your holiday from a phase of high stress and pressure, wind down slowly; this keeps the immune system strong.

Returning home:

It’s equally important to return home mindfully by applying the same principles as on your journey to your holiday destination.

Be mindful with your food, and stay hydrated with warm, caffeine-free drinks.

When you arrive back home, have an oil bath. Simply oil your entire body, including hair, with your favourite ayurvedic oil or olive oil from your kitchen cupboard. Warm it up and apply it with long strokes from the legs upwards, up the back and down the front of the legs, and circle around the knees. Repeat in the same way with the arms, followed by clockwise strokes around your tummy and breasts and long strokes up and down your back. Massage your face and apply it to your hair with circular shampooing strokes. Let your body absorb the oil for about 20 minutes before rinsing the rest of the oil off in a warm shower.

This is a great way to ground an aggravated Vata dosha.

Get slowly back to your day-to-day life while extending your holiday calm as long as possible.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining your health during holidays requires attention to both physical and mental well-being.

Managing stress throughout the year and understanding the impact of Vata dosha when travelling is crucial to preventing common holiday ailments like digestive issues and colds.

You can improve or maintain your health by staying hydrated, eating light, and adhering to a balanced routine that includes mindful eating and regular relaxation practices.

Also, quickly integrating local customs and time zones at your destination and continuing mindful practices upon returning home will help prolong your holiday relaxation and keep Vata dosha in check. Remember, a healthy holiday is not just about the absence of illness but about enhancing your overall holiday experience.

Let’s start a conversation. Were these tips helpful? Which one are you going to integrate? Leave a message on Instagram, Facebook, or even an old email OR comment below :)

I love hearing from you! 

Katja x


P.S. Of course, establishing healthy eating habits is beneficial where ever you are :)